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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Mann, Jacob, "The Egyptian Negidim of the Family of Moses Maimonides." In Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature. Mann, Jacob. 416-434. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1931.
Series: The Abraham and Hannah Oppenheim Memorial Publications, 1
Subjects: Social relations
2. Mann, Jacob, "Joseph b. Tanḥum Yerushalmi." In Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature. Mann, Jacob. 435-445. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1931.
Series: The Abraham and Hannah Oppenheim Memorial Publications, 1
Subjects: Individuals--Joseph b. Tanhum Yerushalmi/Literature
3. Mann, Jacob. "Moses b. Samuel, a Jewish Katib in Damascus, and His Pilgrimage to Medinah and Mekkah." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1919): 155-184.
Subjects: Individuals--Moses b. Samuel/Religion



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